Liberal arrogance--if Bush were really smart, he would be a liberal
David Limbaugh:
David Limbaugh:
This article gives us a bird's eye view of liberal arrogance, as Ann Richards, the woman George Bush unseated as Texas Governor, basically says that Bush is tough to beat in a debate because he's exasperatingly stupid. I kid you not. Richards says he's just too simple to see the various sides of issues and so will say something "so simple on the most complex issues that it sort of leaves you with your mouth hanging open."
John Kerry, on the other hand, can make the simplest subjects seem complicated. That's because Kerry "sees all the different sides to them," a quality the Bush campaign has used to paint him as a "flip-flopper."
Folks, as I pointed out in my current column, Kerry doesn't flip-flop because he sees too many sides to issues, or is too complex or deliberative. He does it out of political expedience. In fact, after watching Kerry for months now I've concluded he's truly not the genius he's depicted as being. Talk about a guy who can't seem to organize his thoughts. And simplistic? He is speaking lately in the vaguest generalities.
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