Political bias within FBI

 Fox News:

Senate Judiciary ranking member Chuck Grassley says whistleblower allegations reveal a "deeply rooted political infection" within the FBI.

In an Aug. 17 letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, the Iowa Republican demanded an accounting for alleged political bias influencing high-level investigations, particularly out of the FBI’s Washington, D.C., office.

"Starting on May 31, 2022, I’ve written three letters to you regarding political bias that has infected the FBI’s Washington Field Office," Grassley, R-Iowa, writes. "Two of those letters provided specific and credible allegations based on numerous whistleblowers that have approached my office with information that one can only conclude is indicative of a deeply rooted political infection that has spread to investigative activity into former President Trump and Hunter Biden."

Grassley claims that the FBI approved investigative activity into the Trump campaign with questionable predication while also choosing to "shut down investigative activity and sources, which included verified and verifiable information, relating to Hunter Biden."

Even after numerous public statements and letters from the senior GOP Senator, Grassley says the FBI has yet to refute these claims and says the agency's failure to address them is eroding public trust in the FBI.

In a July 18 letter to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, Grassley said FBI whistleblowers allege a pattern of political bias from high-ranking officials, including Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault. According to Grassley, the whistleblowers say that DOJ and FBI employees must follow strict substantial factual predication guidelines in order to open an investigation, and that Thibault did not follow these guidelines.

Grassley stated that the investigation predication into Trump’s campaign regarding 2020 electors was based on news articles that relied on information from American Oversight, a "liberal" government watchdog. Grassley said the predication document presented to the attorney general and the FBI director for final sign-off for a full investigation included "selective assertions" and "either removed or watered-down material" connected to politically biased sourcing.

Grassley said the whistleblowers had indicated that Thibault and also Richard Pilger, who serves in the election crimes branch of DOJ's Public Integrity Section, were at the center of the ongoing investigation into Trump’s campaign. Grassley wrote that he has previously investigated Pilger for misconduct.

A former DOJ official tells Fox News that Senate Republicans are taking a hard look at "much-needed" structural changes to the FBI, and that Grassley's inquiry signals the first step in that process.

The bias appears hard to ignore.  There is substantial evidence that Hunter Biden was engaged in influence peddling and received millions of dollars for his efforts from questionable sources in China and Russia.  The lack of interest at the DOJ makes no sense but does suggest political bias.  The investigations of Trump also suggest political bias against him and his associates.  If Republicans get back in charge of Congress, perhaps there will finally be some investigations.

See, also:

FBI Sought Documents Trump Hoarded for Years, Including about Russiagate

I suspect the Russiagate documents may expose those who concocted the fraud to begin with. 


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