Democrat cities too dangerous for habitation

 Post Millenial:

American cities such as San Francisco, Cleveland, and Portland rank high among Democrat led metropolises that have become barren of human activity in the wake of record-high crime, homelessness, and poor public services.

According to the Daily Mail, the downtown and urban centers of major US cities have seen activity drop by nearly 50 percent according to a study by the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California Berkeley. The study tracked the cell phone activity of roughly 18 million Americans and compared that data with movement in the big cities before the Covid pandemic.

San Francisco ranked highest as its downtown only experienced 31 percent of human activity in 2022, with Cleveland coming in second with 36 percent activity. Portland came in third as its urban center had 41 percent activity. All of these cities have experienced record high crime levels in the past two years and all three followed "defund the police" efforts after the BLM riots of 2020 which caused upwards of 30 deaths, multiple injuries, and over 1 billion dollars in damage.

This data shares similar results to information released by the real estate firm Redfin in July that showed homeowners want to flee Democrat led cities and move to safer, more affordable locations, most of which are in Republican led cities and states, such as Florida.

San Francisco ranks highest on the list of cities where human activity has bottomed out. The Daily Mail reports that crime is up 7.4 percent in San Francisco compared to 2021 and has more than double the crime as other crime-ridden cities such as NYC and LA.

Liberalism in these cities leads to high crime and homelessness.  It is more evidence of the defund the police idiocy that followed the death of George Floyd in police custody.


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