Rejection of global warming measures

 Monica Crowley:


Yet still, the public isn't buying this crap, not just the U.S. public, but the world public. Lomberg notes that in Africa, global warming barely registers as a public concern (0.3% said it did). Europe has its boosters, but the issue ranks only around 9 as a priority. The U.S. has consistently considered it garbage, always putting that issue at rock bottom where it belongs. And we certainly know that the rich people among the global elites may mouth their concern about it and donate to foundations, but they don't give up their private jets, their heated and air-conditioned mansions, or seafront properties.

Maybe that's because it makes sense to put junk science at the bottom of the heap and everyone knows it. It's easy to get by without global warming measures taking away your plastic bags. It's not so easy to get by when global warming measures take away your job, or deny you an education, or go to idiot projects while corruption and crime flourish. Those are bread and butter issues, non-negotiables, and those are the ones the public places at the top of its issues to be solves. The rest is la-la land stuff and people know it.

Now we are seeing the disasters brought on, not by global warming and all its chicken little warnings, but by global warming measures -- in Sri Lanka, in the Netherlands and in many other places. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to listen to Lomberg or better still, scrap the nonsense altogether.

 More people around the world are rejecting the warmist vision of the world. I am getting a lot of company.


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