Biden energy bungle gets worse

 Legal Insurrection:

Perhaps the most consistent aspect of the Biden administration is its desire to gut everything President Donald Trump accomplished in office.

Biden is no fan of “drill, baby, drill”. However, in the wake of plummeting poll numbers fueled by exploding gas prices, the White House is offering an idiotic drilling plan to nix drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific while simultaneously allowing leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.

The proposal released by the Interior Department on Friday evening would allow as many as 11 oil lease sales for offshore drilling over the course of five years.

But the plan is still being developed, and gives the administration several options—including one that would forgo new lease sales entirely, according to the Interior Department. Ultimately a final decision is months away.

By months away, perhaps closer to the election…when a calculation can be made which set of voters to upset less.

The environmentalists are unhappy with the move. Three environmental law firms are suing the administration to stop 3,500 permit applications from energy companies to drill for oil and gas on public lands.


People are not being persuaded that the high cost of gasoline is tied to anything other than Biden’s poor choices.

Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt criticized the Biden administration’s proposal unveiled late last week that gutted a 2018 plan to hold dozens of offshore oil and gas lease sales.

The Department of the Interior (DOI) published a proposed five-year offshore leasing program Friday that opened the door to a complete ban on offshore leasing through 2028. The plan — which would allow a maximum of 11 total offshore lease sales in that time span — also laid waste to a Trump-era version of the same program that proposed 47 lease sales over five years.

“Since day one, this administration has put climate activism over energy independence and energy security,” Bernhardt, who was the DOI’s deputy secretary between 2017-2018 and led the agency between 2019-2021 during the Trump administration, told FOX Business in an interview Tuesday.

“What it does do is make very clear that there is a very real possibility they choose to either have no leasing or many fewer sales,” her continued. “They have been relentless in their desire to pursue climate activism over energy security for the American people, even though it’s wildly unpopular.”


The Biden administration keeps saying that it is transitioning, but it is clear they have no viable alternative to replace fossil fuels.  They are in effect trasitioning to nothing of value.  It is already clear that Big Green is not a viable alternative that will leave people freezing in the winter and sweltering during the summer.  In extreme weather they are virtually worthless.

See, also:

The ‘Green Agenda’ Will Be Revolutionary, Against The Green Agenda

“the pursuit of Net Zero by continually raising the cost of living is going to cause populist revolts that will make Brexit and Trump look like minor blips”


 Do Democrats have any comprehension of how intentionally destructive their energy policies are? Do they care?


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