Gov. Abbott restricts transport of migrants spreading Covid

 Washington Examiner:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order restricting the transport of migrants in the Lone Star State after news that COVID-positive illegal immigrants were being dumped in a small border community.

The Republican governor's mandate forbids any person other than a "federal, state, or local law-enforcement official" from moving migrants. The order also directs the Texas Department of Public Safety to "stop any" car or truck in violation of the order and "reroute such a vehicle back to its point of origin or a port of entry." DPS is further authorized to impound cars that refuse to be redirected.

"The dramatic rise in unlawful border crossings has also led to a dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases among unlawful migrants who have made their way into our state, and we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities," Abbott said in a statement. "This Executive Order will reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure in our communities."


It is a serious problem for border residents of Texas that is turning their communities into Covid hot spots and Biden and the feds do not seem to care.  Their goal is to import Democrat voters and change the demographics of the country. 

See, also:

Greg Abbott Orders Texas National Guard To Begin Arresting Illegal Immigrants


The crisis on our southern border is real and It could get worse


Whistleblowers: COVID spread at Fort Bliss migrant shelter for kids but HHS told us to 'make everything sound positive'


Nets Cover-Up Biden Dumping COVID-Infected Illegals in Border Towns


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