The disgusting Democrat policies

Melanie Phillips:
The anti-Jewish and anti-Israel prejudices repeatedly expressed by certain members of the Squad have disquieted many American Jews.

Yet the Democratic Party, which still attracts unquestioning support from some three-quarters of Jewish voters, has failed to discipline these women—not just for their Jew-baiting, but also for their deep-dyed anti-Americanism and anti-white racism.

Worse still, the broader party is itself enmeshed with extremism through its attacks on the enforcement of immigration law and its reluctance to condemn the supposedly antifascist but violent and nihilistic Antifa protest group.

Last weekend, Willem Van Spronsen, an Antifa member who was armed with a rifle and home-made bombs, attacked an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centre in Tacoma, Wash. and was shot dead by police officers.

Yet while hysteria erupted against Trump over his tweets, there was minimal coverage of this attack. That was because the Antifa terrorist was a leftist, whose incoherent “manifesto” parroted the Democrat and liberal mantra about the supposed atrocities in these detention centres.

Only a week ago, Omar denounced the border-control agencies and called for “a conversation about eliminating their existence.” And by an amazing coincidence, the terrorist’s “manifesto” called the ICE centres “concentration camps,” the wildly offensive and inappropriate term for them coined by Ocasio-Cortez.

Outrageously, she also complained about American flags flying over ICE centres. Hours later, the “Stars and Stripes” flying over a Colorado ICE facility was torn down and replaced by a Mexican flag.

Yet there was no condemnation from the Democrats of this contempt for the US flag and the country it represents—a silence described by former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley as “disgusting.”

Even more troubling is the party’s support for breaking American law.

A number of high-profile Democrats have publicly advised how to avoid arrest by an ICE agent. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, said during her regular press conference last week that illegal aliens should simply not open the door if an agent came knocking.

The Democrats governing “sanctuary cities” are actually providing sanctuary from the law. They are actively thwarting due process against individuals whose removal has been ordered in court by an immigration judge.

The latest ICE report details how, over the course of two years, the “sanctuary state” of California refused to turn over 5,600 criminal illegal aliens to ICE agents for deportation. Of these, more than 3,400 had been charged with crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, drugs and fraud.

Shamefully, American Jews have been at the forefront of campaigning against the enforcement of immigration law.

Over the past week, thousands have taken to the streets of U.S. cities to demonstrate against Trump’s immigration policies. Dozens of synagogues across the country have offered illegal immigrants protection during ICE raids.

For obvious historical reasons, Jews are instinctively sympathetic to immigrants. But all nations are entitled to limit the numbers entering the country. Without border controls, there can be no nation. Since when did Jews believe it right to display such contempt for both the rule of law and the very concept of citizenship?

Now the Democratic Party has displayed further contempt for the rules of Congress. After the majority leader Steny Hoyer ruled that Speaker Pelosi was out of order in referring to Trump’s “racist tweets,” he was promptly overruled by his fellow Democrats. And so the House deemed Trump “racist.”
The Democrat politicians do not care about the anti-Jewish and anti-white statements of the Squad.  They do not care about the lawlessness they are promoting with their opposition to the enforcement of immigration laws.  Their empathy is with the illegals and not those who follow immigration laws.


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