More celebrities join line up for Alamo Tea Party

Ted Nugent:


I will be joining my friends Glenn Beck, the Texas’ good governor Rick Perry, U.S. Navy SEAL hero Marcus Luttrell, and a few thousand like-minded patriots who have not forgotten that America is a glorious experiment in self government, and the time has come for as many "self’s" as possible to stand up and take our country back.

Outraged by the not-so-stimulating spending orgy that no one even read, unauthorized bailouts, a Fedzilla feeding frenzy destroying everything in its gluttonous path, the unbelievable bonfire of wasted tax dollars too huge to imagine, and out-and-out corruption with impunity by bureaucrats gone mad, we the people will peacefully demonstrate our heartfelt concerns, gather with civility, goodwill and decency, this time, to shout it loud and proud that we simply will not take it any more.

I hope someone presents Marcus Luttrell with a replacement for his recently murdered yellow Lab, named from the initials of his fellow SEALS who were killed in the operation for which he was the Lone Survivor. The governor is also speaking at the Don't Mess With Texas Tea Party in Austin on the same day. I have been surprised by the excitement generated for these tea party protest. Try to find one near you and attend.


  1. So NOW your outraged? Where were you the past 8 years? Where was this outrage? Don't you ever sit and think...hey, this spending was going on w/the Bush admin. Don't you think maybe now it's CLEAN-UP time for the mess of the last 8 years. Pace your anger folks and utilize your tea time for some therapy time maybe to understand why your memory bank is so dang shallow. PACE ur ANGER... it's been less than 100 days and more has been done than all of the last 8 years. Understand? Well of course you don't' but the seed is planted now. There is hope you will one day. YOUR PARTY F"D UP>>>>GET OVER IT. WE WILL SOME DAY!

  2. Pace, granted there have been some Republicans that are to blame. Not over the last 8 years, that's ignorant attempt of blame, at best. Those Republicans are now out. Over the past 2 years, democrats have been in charge and it has not gotten any better. One can make an arguement, and a very solid one at that, that the this current session/administration is making those problematic Republicans seem like Reaganites. I would tell you to get a clue and stop using the demorcrats talking points. It really makes you look silly. But then again, you are(as it sounds) a big supporter of Obama and his attemt at bankrupting our country

  3. This country is already bankrupt. In debt to communist China for Trillions along with all the stolen technology from our best factories and contracted jobs.

  4. Ted Nugent the Draft Dodger? Nugent himself claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment. Good choice for a front man. Glenn Beck, too! Keep up the real American stuff.


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