Obama losing more plumber votes

Pensacola News-Journal:

He's irritated by U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on people who make $250,000 or more.

"I've made that," said Tommy Kimmons, owner of Kimmons Plumbing. "I know a lot of other plumbers that have made more than that. We are already taxed to the death and you want to throw some more on us, especially in these economical times. People are going to be laying people off."

Kimmons, 51, and some other local plumbers and small-business owners met Sunday at Kimmons' business on Gulf Beach Highway to talk about why they don't like the Democratic presidential nominee's tax plan.


Larry Downs Sr., 56, owner of Downs Plumbing, chuckled some last week when people started calling him "Larry the Plumber" and "Joe the Plumber."

"Everybody that calls now says, 'Hey, Larry the Plumber,' " Downs said. "It's kind of become a joke now."

Downs wasn't laughing Sunday.

"I don't think that we are going to go into a depression if Obama gets into office, but I just think for a businessperson, McCain will be better pick," he said.


A building contractor also complained about Obama's tax policy.


In a conference call with Iowa reporters, Dave McCartney of McCartney Improvement Co. in Davenport, argued Obama’s tax policies would hurt small businesses like his.

McCartney said higher taxes on his profits cut back on the money he has to invest in new equipment and to expand his business or hire more people.

The company employs 13 full-time employees as well as additional sub-contractors.

“The economy’s already starting to slow, and we’re feeling it,” McCartney said.

McCartney also said a mandate that small businesses provide health care to their workers could cause him to trim his work force, a characterization of Obama’s health care plan that the campaign said was false.

What Obama is doing is using money that these men would use in their business to buy votes from those he is going to give money to. They have every right to be angry with the Obama plan. The Obama talking points of 95 and 98 percent are irrelevant to those who are going to be stuck with paying for the votes he is buying.


  1. As a registered Democrat. I didn't really know enough about Sen. Obama to make an educated decision as to why I should cast my vote for him, which lead me to conduct my own research to find out more about who he really was, where he came from and, even more important, what he stands for.

    After reading the following Amazon.Com Editorial Review and numerous other resources, as a means of educating myself prior to casting my vote, I became concerned about casting my vote for him.


    The Case Against Barrack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate (Hardcover) by David Freddoso (Author)

    Review Is Contained On The Following Web Site:

    The following Points (1-4), which are NOT all inclusive because they are too numerous to list here, confirm that my concern has some MERIT:

    POINT #1: Ties to ACCORN.

    What Makes Obama Run?

    Lawyer, teacher, philanthropist, and author Barrack Obama doesn't need another career. But he's entering politics to get back to his true passion--community organization.

    Chicago Reader
    By Hank De Zutter
 December 8, 1995

    Article Is Contained On The Following Web Site:

    POINT #2: Obama’s Connection to Ayers and ACCORN.

    Barrack Obama, William Ayers, and ACORN
    Video Posted on October 19, 2008

    Video Is Contained On The Following Web Site:

    POINT #3: How Obama Uses Alinsky’s Rules to Out Maneuver His Opponents.

    How Obama Applies Alinsky's Rules

    By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, September 22, 2008 4:20 PM PT
    Election '08: Barrack Obama's mocking of John McCain, while urging his followers to "get in their face," are tactics right out of his radical hero Saul Alinsky's playbook: ridicule and agitation.

    Article Is Contained On The Following Web Site: http://ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=306977141583041

    POINT #4: Results of Obama’s Application of Alinsky's Rules In NM.

    Inside Politics: The New West.

    Washington Times
    Greg Pierce (Contact)
Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Article Is Contained On The Following Web Site:

    BOTTOM LINE: If my concern is, in fact, proven to have MERIT, which, tragically, the American public may NOT even discover until after this election is over and done with, all I can hope and pray for is that my concern is unfounded and, if it is NOT: "Good Bless Our United (Not Divided) States of America."



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