Marines have killed over 400 Taliban near Garmsir


U.S. Marines deployed in southern Afghanistan since the spring have killed more than 400 insurgents, have eliminated insurgent positions and strongholds, and are stabilizing the region, a commander said Wednesday.

Col. Peter Petronzio, the commander of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, spoke about the fight against the Taliban in the Helmand province region of Garmsir.

"The Taliban proved that they wanted to fight for Garmsir, and we took the fight to them, inflicted very serious casualties," Petronzio said.

After speaking with a local official, Petronzio concluded that the number of slain insurgents "is somewhere beyond 400."


The battle is going on amid a recent increase in violence across Afghanistan. In May and June there were more coalition deaths in Afghanistan than in Iraq. Video Watch how Taliban fighters have changed tactics »


Petronzio said Marine counterinsurgency operations have been taking place in Garmsir since April 28. He said for most of May, Marines held a key route east of the Helmand River in the northern part of Garmsir District.

"Insurgents occupied the area between the river and the Marine positions," he said. "In late May, the Marines pushed south [from their northern position] and west to clear out the remaining insurgent strongholds in the area."

He said Marines have had "regular contact" with Afghans since the insurgent strongholds were eliminated.

"I wouldn't say that Garmsir is secure, but it is stable. We are continuing to clear the area. Insurgents are still there but they are not engaging with us as they once did," he said, saying the Marines are on "high alert" for attacks.


The Marine accomplishment in Garmsir is remarkable. If we could put that kind of force in operations elsewhere in Afghanistan it would probably shorten the war. It is quite possible with the defeat of al Qaeda in Iraq as well as the Iranian militias, that more forces will be sent to Afghanistan.

I have always maintained that the key to winning in insurgency warfare is having an adequate force to space ratio. It must be large enough to deny real estate to the enemy so that you are not playing whack a mole with him. Early on the military took a small foot print strategy into both Afghanistan and Iraq.

In Iraq the value of the surge was increased exponentially by the increased numbers of Iraqi forces. It was the addition of new Iraqi forces as well as the conversion of militia to neighborhood watch patrols that gave us the force to space ration to deny the enemy mobility. Afghanistan does not have the same aggressive growth rate for the Afghan army yet. It will have to grow to make the operations in Afghanistan more effective.

The key will be having enough force to deny real estate to the enemy and also protect the people.


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