Questions raised about Beauchamp's "correction"

Confederate Yankee:


This morning, I contact Major Renee D. Russo, Third Army USARCENT PAO in Kuwait, to ask her if she knew of "a female civilian contractor at Camp Buehring with severe facial burns, and if so, when" she was there.

Here is her emailed response, in full.

Mr. Owens,

We have received other media queries on the alleged incident, but have
not been able to find anyone to back it up. There is not a police
report or complaint filed on this incident during that timeframe. Right now it is considered to be a Urban Legend or Myth.

I am still researching the incident and will have to get back with you
later with any new developments.

As it stands now, the U.S. Army in Kuwait, like the U.S. Army in Iraq, is casting strong doubts on the veracity of Beauchamp's claims, stating that to the best they can determine at this time, the female contractor Beauchamp claims to have abused is either part of an "urban legend or myth."


This story keeps on getting more and more pathetic. As many have pointed out, by moving the local of his jerky behavior to Kuwait before he actually got into the war zone he lost the premise for his original story which was based on how war had dehumanized the troops. At this point it appears that he may have been dehumanized by liberalism and an unhinged opposition to the war, before he ever saw it.


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