Russia reequips Hezballah

Strategy Page:

If Israeli troops move into southern Lebanon again, they will apparently find, as they did last Summer, lots of late model Russian missiles aimed at them. That's because Syria has placed an order for several thousand 9M133 Kornet and 9M131 Metis 2 anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). Israel tried to persuade the Russians to back off. But the money was too good for the Russians to pass up. Iran is supplying the cash. Syria gets to keep some of the missiles, and slips the rest across the border to Hizbollah. It's a win-win-win-win-lose (Russia-Syria-Iran-Hizbollah-Israel) situation.

There is more. If Russia is not an enemy of Israel and the US, it is certainly not a friend. Russia sees its interest in commerce with evil regimes in Tehran and Damascus that seek the destruction of Israel. The main reason they apparently oppose Israel's destruction is because it would hurt their arms sales.


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