Finland kowtows--Where is Conan O'Brian when you need him

Gateway Pundit has several articles suggesting that Finland will not stand by its neighbor Denmark against the Islamofacist cartoon warrirors.

Meanwhile Judith Klinghoffer reports that the US and Germany have picked up the slack in Dannish exports.

A Danish reader reports:

Today's Jyllands-Posten says that the growth in 2006 in Danish exports to two countries alone is larger than our total export to the entire Muslim world. The two countries are Germany and USA, and the estimates are even made without considering the Buy Danish-campaigns, that are unfolding in these two countries. If they have an effect, it'll be an extra bonus.

"We must tell Europeans, we can live without you. But you cannot live without us," said Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, a leading imam in Qatar.

Delighted to disappoint you Qaradawi. Sorry to observe that once again it will be your people who will suffer from the coming European disengagement from Muslim lands.

But, then, you and your ilk, do not really care. Do you?

Klinghoffer also has a letter posted that nails it. It is a must read.


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