Rasmussen poll in context

James Taranto:

Even among Democrats, only 30% think the Guantanamo prisoners are being treated unfairly. In other words, many Democratic elected officials are out of touch not only with Americans in general but with a majority of their own supporters.

What are we to make of all this? The most hopeful interpretation is that the Democrats are politically incompetent--that they are stupidly trying to whip up hysteria over Guantanamo in hope of scoring political points. The other possibility is that one of America's two major political parties is led by people who are genuinely passionate about the "rights" of terrorists and correspondingly blasé about the dangers of terrorism.

In light of all this, Durbin's politically expedient "apology"--even if unsatisfactory as an apology--is a good sign. It suggests that Democrats are playing politics and coming to realize it isn't working.

They are at it again by attacking Rove for pointing out the liberal position on the war. The faux outrage is even more ridiculous when you consider that Rove's characterization of the liberal position was the same as the position put forward by Nancy Pelosi for one. The Democrats have attepted to make political points about the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo and for two or three weeks the White House has held its fire. As soon as Rove starts pushing back, the Democrats act like someone who no longer wants this debate over how to handle the war on terror.


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