The media's war against the GOP

 Kurt Schlichter:


Republicans are getting it. Finally.

For a while, the model was that glop of human Miracle Whip Mitt Romney, who was basically ritually disemboweled by the media during his hapless 2012 candidacy but now gets media hits because he will reliably hate on actual conservatives. We’re supposed to help them with their narrative, to assist them in promoting the donkey party line, but if we become a challenge we’re back to enemy status. John Fredo Cronyn got a little good press with his gun law sell-out, but now he’s the antichrist again.

The media craves the respect and cooperation due an apolitical, neutral Fourth Estate dedicated to informing the citizenry, but it also wants the fun and rewards that come with slavishly repeating every regime talking point as if it was the objective truth. You cannot have that human petri dish of a president announce that we are not in a recession even though the literal definition of a recession is two quarters of negative growth, then nod vigorously that “Yes, of course the definition is not the definition, master” and expect us not to notice and hate you.

It’s especially fun when real journalists – aka Twitter randos who bother to actually research things instead of reading Democrat press memos – dig up old tweets where the same White House ventriloquist dummies were talking about a Trump recession because of two quarters of negative growth. And it’s best of all when the media hack explains that he was wrong back then, not now. He’ll be right again after 2024 though.

Have you ever noticed how all the media mistakes always go in one direction? It’s so weird.

The Republican refusal to cooperate with the media is a welcome beginning. Remember, the only reason the media interacts with conservatives is to attempt to cause damage to the GOP. Can they lie about a position? Make up a gaffe? Call the Republican a racist? The only reason a media figure ever has interview, quote or refer to a Republican is to harm the conservative movement. So give them nothing.

The distrust of the media has become more widespread in recent years.  And it is not just the Republicans who distrust them. 


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