Disapproval of Biden grows

 Daily Caller:

President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating jumped once again, according to a new NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll released Monday.

When asked whether individuals approved or disapproved of Biden’s handling of the presidency, 55% of those polled said they disapproved while just 41% said they approved, according to the poll.

The survey was conducted amongst 1,400 adults between Dec. 11 and Dec. 13 with a four-point margin of error.


Among independents, 66% said they disapproved of Biden’s handling while just 29% approved.

Among those who identify as white, 40% said they approved while 56% said they disapproved. Meanwhile, 44% those who identified as non-white said they approved of Biden’s handling while 52% disapproved.

The findings mark Biden’s highest disapproval rating since taking office when compared to earlier polls conducted by Marist.


The disapproval among Latino or Hispanics should jump out at you.  Democrats can't win with that level of support.  It also suggests that Hispanics oppose Biden's immigration policy and certainly Border Hispanics have been hurt by the policy. 


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