Did Ayers help Obama write his first book?

Jack Kelly:


The relationship may have begun sooner and been closer. Mr. Ayers was in graduate school at Columbia University when Barack Obama was an undergraduate there in the early 1980s. Did they meet then? A few years later, Michelle Obama and Mr. Ayers' wife, Bernadine Dohrn, also a former terrorist, worked at the same time for the Chicago law firm Sidley Austin.

Investigative reporter Jack Cashill has noted some intriguing coincidences between Sen. Obama's 1995 autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," and Mr. Ayers' 2001 book, "Fugitive Days," for which Sen. Obama wrote a dust-jacket blurb. Both books have the same lyrical style and are filled with nautical imagery, which would come naturally to Mr. Ayers, who spent a year as a merchant seaman, but which appear nowhere else in Mr. Obama's writing.

Excerpts from "Fugitive Days" and from "Dreams From My Father" both scored 54 on reading ease and a 12th-grade reading level on the Flesch Reading Ease Score, Mr. Cashill found. Scores can range from 0 to 121. Excerpts from "Fugitive Days" averaged 23.13 words a sentence. "Dreams" averaged 23.36 words a sentence. Excerpts from Sen. Obama's second book, "The Audacity of Hope," average 29 words per sentence, and a ninth-grade reading level, Mr. Cashill said.

In "Dreams From My Father," Mr. Obama writes fondly of "Frank," a mentor while he was growing up in Hawaii. "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA, and who was on the FBI's list of subversives.

Both Sen. Obama and Mr. Ayers spoke at a testimonial dinner for Rashid Khalidi, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a founder of the rabidly anti-Israel Arab American Action Network, when Mr. Khalidi left the University of Chicago for Columbia University. Sen. Obama lectured part time at the University of Chicago law school from 1993 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

"Khalidi and Obama lived in nearby faculty residential zones and the two families dined together a number of times," a source on the University of Chicago faculty told Worldnet Daily. "The Obamas even babysat the Khalidi children."

In his 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama sought and received the endorsement of the New Party, a creation of the Democratic Socialists of America that was so far to the left even the Green Party described it as fringe. Then there is Sen. Obama's relationship to ACORN (Alliance of Community Organizations for Reform Now), a radical group under investigation for fraudulent voter registrations in a dozen states. Mr. Obama worked with ACORN as a community organizer, and served for a time as its lawyer in Chicago.


The media has much of Palin not being available to the media, but I have yet to see the media ask questions about these relationships in any detail when they do talk with Obama. Instead we see questions about how it feels to be so loved and respected. The media has done a very poor job of vetting Obama and they don't have the excuse of not having had time to do so.

Here is a question they should ask Obam, "Did Ayers work with you in anyway in writing your first book?" The answer could provide some details on how close the relationship was.


  1. I recently read an article that was written by Molly Murray in November of 2002. The article was entitled "Forensic Linguist Studies Syntax as a Signature". It is essentially the work of Carole Chaski who claims that the way we string words together when we write is almost as individual as DNA. Chaski takes sentences apart to determine how people uses nouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions. She uses this technique in forensic research in high profile cases like the Washington area sniper. I believe it might be a very interesting experiment for this technique to be used in the writings of Bill Ayers compared with Obama's alleged writing.


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