Will the UK boycott Palestinians?

Melanie Phillips:


War crimes, eh? Throwing civilians off the top of buildings? Attacking the wounded in hospitals? Using press insignia as camouflage for attacks, thus putting all journalists at risk? Dozens and dozens of civilians murdered, including children?

So where’s the call for a boycott of the Palestinians?

To those for whom Israel is the cosmic villain of our times — even though it has never behaved in such a barbaric fashion — the implications of these terrible events in Gaza are simply unprocessable. Their extreme discomfiture is evident in their silence. If Israel kills Palestinians in its attempt to defend its civilians from being blown up in pizza parlours or pulverised by rocket attack, the media descends into an instant frenzy of (unjust and distorted) condemnation. But presented with this orgy of Palestinian violence in Gaza, there is little more than an embarrassed shuffling of feet. The Independent ventures bravely into these treacherous waters by blaming everyone other than the Palestinians for reducing them to economic desperation — this despite the fact that since sanctions were imposed on Hamas, the amount of funding going into Gaza has actually doubled, if not trebled. What it is to be a newspaper of moral principle, eh?

The fact is that what is happening in Gaza is the savage retort to all those who believe that a Palestinian state is the answer. When handed the reins of self-government, this is how the Palestinians behave. Hundreds of rockets fired upon Israel, and their own people thrown off the top of tall buildings and murdered in hospital. As of today, a Palestinian state is simply impossible. Gaza and the West Bank have become two different political entities....

There is much more. As the Strategy Page notes, Israel now has no one to negotiate with. Of course, they never did, because the Palestinians have nothing of value to offer Israel. The terrorist on terrorist conflict just punctuates the moral bankruptcy of the Palestinian factions. How long will we have to wait for the usual characters to say how important it is that Israel be forced into an agreement with these thugs?


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