Biden power grab?

 Bob Hoge:

In yet another power grab by the Biden Administration, the Defense Department in March asked Congress to override an existing law that requires governors to approve changes to National Guard units. The proposal would allow the Defense Department to have unilateral power to transfer units to the Space Force because perhaps they’re preparing for an alien invasion or something.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), long a thorn in the side of Biden on the illegal immigration issue because the president refuses to protect our borders while the Republican governor takes the border invasion seriously, is fighting back and pointed out in a letter to the White House that the move would shatter long-time precedent. 

“Although the Texas Air National Guard does not have these types of missions, I strongly oppose any attempt to sideline governors when it comes to their respective National Guards,” Abbott wrote in his letter, dated May 3. "Congress has long required the consent of a governor before units can be transferred out of the National Guard he commands.”


 The idea seems to be universally loathed by the nation’s governors of states, territories, and commonwealths, a majority of whom (including even leftist CA Gov. Gavin Newsom) signed a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on April 29 expressing their “strong opposition” to the change, saying that it “undermines over 100 years of precedent as well as national security and military readiness.” Notably missing—Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, but now Abbott has responded and DeSantis did separately as well


It could be possible that Biden is trying to move National Guard units to outer space control because they are helping now in stopping the illegal immigration that Biden apparently supports with open borders policies. 


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