Trump leads 2024 Dem contenders

 Red States:

Is the election of a second Donald Trump administration in the cards for 2024? If the latest Harvard-Harris poll is any indication, it just might be.

Producing results that will have lefties waking up in cold sweats, the poll shows that Trump leads current president Joe Biden 48 percent to 45 percent in a hypothetical rematch. It also shows that Trump’s leadership in the White House is preferred by four points.

But while few really believe Biden has the capacity to run again three years from now, Trump also beats Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg by a large amount in this same poll.

The surprising thing about this poll is that the race is that close.  The favorability rating of the Democrat potential candidate is below their polling in this survey.  I suspect that tells you something about the residual Trump hatred of Democrats.

See, also:

Fox News Poll: Biden’s ratings down, as voters say he’s focused on wrong things 
Biden receives his lowest marks as president on a Fox News survey


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