The tragic consequences of Democrat rule

 Michael Walsh:


The pugnacious New York City host, who ruled the local airwaves on WABC in the ’80s and early ’90s, came to fame during the previous nadir in the city’s fortunes, the David Dinkins administration of 1990–93. Crime was out of control, murder was at record highs (2605 in 1990), and there seemed no way out of the sealed box decades of Democratic administrations had constructed for the city.

Then came the Rudolf Giuliani administration (1994–2001) and things changed almost overnight. New police chief Bill Bratton cracked down on so-called “lifestyle crime,” such as the city’s omnipresent squeegee men—intimidating derelicts who “cleaned” car windshields with filthy rags for a mere quarter—and subway turnstile jumpers. By 1995, murders had fallen to 1,550 and by 2001, they had plummeted to 960. All that was required was political willpower.

That’s in short supply these days, as America under the Biden administration lurches from crisis to crisis, many of them of its own making, whether willfully or accidentally. In less than a year, American energy independence—along with its kissing cousin, low gas prices—have vanished, putting the country back in the clutches of OPEC.

China and Russia

By many measures, Communist China has surpassed the United States militarily, building fleets of aircraft carriers and boldly testing hypersonic missiles while American brass boasts of “inclusivity” and frets about pronouns.

Given the parlous state of the U.S. Navy—the branch of service most corrupted by wokeness—China could likely take Taiwan easily. And it will, the moment it feels sure that the Americans won’t defend the island nation.

Historically, the Chinese have failed abysmally in armed conflicts with non-Chinese forces, from the battle of Talas in 751, in which an Arab Muslim army handily beat them, permanently ending Chinese expansionism to the west; to their twin defeats by Japan in 1931 and 1937. But as the Taiping Rebellion of 1850-64 and Mao’s Cultural Revolution of 1966-76 demonstrates, they are hell on each other in civil conflicts, which means the conquest of Taiwan will be especially bloody.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the Russians are bellying up to the Ukraine border, ready to restore the status quo of 1793, and there can be little doubt that Putin, a student of Russian history who maintains himself in power by explicitly appealing to the glory days of the Russian empire, means to take at least the eastern half of that unfortunate country whenever the time is right. And what will we do about it? Nothing: NATO will be exposed as a paper tiger led by overfed functionaries and brass-ring chasers.


There is more.

The Democrats are like the old woebegone Mets whose manager once said "Can't anyone play this game."  The current Democrats are people loaded with bad ideas and determined to push them on the public,  The current US military seems more interested in wokeness and CRT than in winning engagements with the enemy.   It would not be a surprise to see them handle the current situation with Russia and Ukraine with the same level of incompetence the Afghan retreat was handled. That debacle has led to the current threats to Taiwan and Ukraine.

See, also:

Biden's empty Ukraine bluster is inviting Russian aggression


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