The left gaslights the price of gas

 Ed Morrissey:

Give Philip Bump credit for exposing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s ridiculously incompetent propaganda attempt here. But let’s face it … anyone dumb enough to be fooled by this graph should have their assets handled by a receiver, and possibly shouldn’t be driving in the first place.

The rest of us learned to check the Y-axis and X-axis first:

Presumably, the DCCC wants everyone to recognize the impact of Joe Biden’s release of 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And that impact was a decline in average gas prices of, um … a whopping two cents over two weeks. It’s a savings of 0.994%! Woo-hoo! 

Color Bump — and every other sentient being — unimpressed:

Were that axis on the left a scale from zero to $4 a gallon, that decrease would be remarkable. Nearly free gas! Certainly something worth hyping.

But the axis does not use the scale. Instead, the line drops from about $3.40 to about $3.38, as marked on the y-axis — or, in layman’s terms, a decline of two cents. And since we’re talking about two cents out of nearly four dollars, that graph depicts a drop in the price of gas of just under 1 percent of the cost.

Since Biden took office, the price of gas has risen more than a dollar on this same measure.

Of course, much of that is unrelated to Biden and his policies, as Biden and his allies would normally be quick to point out. Now, though, the DCCC wants to not only give Biden credit for a decline in the price of gas, they want to give him credit for a tiny decline in the price of gas. A decline that isn’t even the largest decline we’ve seen this year; over a similar period in August, the price of gas dropped more than 1 percent, more than three cents.


What is also omitted is that Biden deliberately drove up the price of gas in an attempt to sell his green energy crap which would cost even more.  Biden limited the supply of gas by halting drilling on federally controlled sites and also eliminated piplelins driving up the cost of getting oil to refineries and to market.  His manipulatiopn of the Strategic Peroleum Reserve for political reasons was also absurd.  Trump help to fill the reserve when gas was cheap.  Biden is selling a protion of it and will have to refill it with more expensive oil becasue of his policies.

Manipulatng grafts to exaggerate a mionolr blip in pricing is consistent with his politics of fraud.


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