The funding of the Russian collusion fraud

 Washington Examiner:

A nonprofit group run by a former top aide for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein who has pushed debunked claims about a secret back channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank spent the post-2016 era funneling millions to Christopher Steele’s company and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

Daniel Jones, lead author of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s interrogation program, founded the Democracy Integrity Project in January 2017. Tax records show he funded Steele, Fusion, and others, keeping a web of groups working and donor money flowing to the tune of millions of dollars for years, helping the groups continue their Russia-related research into 2020.

The filings contend the mission of the nonprofit is to provide research “to educate the public on matters such as foreign election interference, global extremism, corruption, and coordinated disinformation.”

Tax records from the Democracy Integrity Project filed in November 2021 show the organization sent $521,000 for “research consulting” in 2020 to Walsingham Partners, which is co-owned by Steele.

The records, first posted by Ken Vogel of the New York Times, also show the Democracy Integrity Project sent $405,000 to Advance Democracy Inc. — also run by Jones — and sent $140,000 for “research consulting” to Bean LLC, the parent company for Fusion, co-founded by former Wall Street Journal reporters Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch.

Older IRS 990 forms show Jones sent Steele’s company $700,000 in 2019, $197,608 in 2018, and $251,689 in 2017 for a total of $1,670,297, and $1,222,714 to Fusion GPS in 2019, $959,613 in 2018, and $3,323,924 in 2017 for a total of $6,051,251.


Billionaire George Soros gave at least $1 million to the Democracy Integrity Project in 2018, the New York Times reported . The Daily Caller reported  that the left-wing Fund for a Better Future  provided  $2,065,000 to the Jones group in 2017, and further filings  show  it gave the Democracy Integrity Project $980,000 in 2018 and $171,500 in 2019.

Advance Democracy received contributions of $4,780,000 in 2020, $4,293,100 in 2019, and $2,923,000 in 2018, for a total of nearly $12 million. The individual contributions in 2020 were sizable, including for $1.25 million and $1.9 million.


There is more.

The FBI should be investigating whether those funding this operation knew it was a fraud or whether they themselves were defrauded in paying for this hoax operation. 

See, also:

Dem group founded to fight 'disinformation' paid nearly $1M to discredited Steele dossier researchers 
Democracy Integrity Project says on tax forms their mission is to 'educate' on 'coordinated disinformation'


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