Smollett's implausible story comes a cropper

 Washington Examiner Editorial:

The story of Jussie Smollett and the implausible hate crime attack against him is now familiar to nearly everyone.

Smollett, a little-known actor on a long-running Fox television show, claimed to have been walking down the street minding his own business at 2 a.m. in downtown Chicago when he was attacked by two white Trump supporters wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats who made reference to his race (he is black), his sexual orientation (he is gay), and the obscure television show on which he appeared. The attackers allegedly placed a noose around his neck and threw bleach at him, informing him that "this is Trump country." Had any of this actually happened, it might have been the first time in human history that anyone ever said such a thing of downtown Chicago.

Smollett, somehow managing to escape this unlikely incident with his life, called his agent, clothesline noose still dangling around his neck, and told his implausible tale. In reality, he knew both of his attackers, two Nigerian brothers (both black) who testified against him at trial and whose account is completely borne out by all of the video surveillance and GPS and phone records that police were able to unearth.

The brothers say that Smollett paid them to attack him — indeed, he wrote them a check. There are text messages between them, and there is even video of Smollett taking the two through a dry run of the staged crime the day before it happened.

If not for the abundance of video evidence showing all of this, a lot of extremely credulous people would still be saying that Smollett was the victim of a hate crime, as if downtown Chicago in 2019 was practically the same as the Birmingham, Alabama, of 1959.


The editorial recommends the maximum sentence for this farce.  Perhaps that would make people think twice about faking hate crimes. 

See, also:

Biden, Harris led frenzy to amplify Jussie Smollett's false hate crime claims 
Multiple politicians called the attack an attempted 'modern day lynching'


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