Root cause of border crisis is in White House, not Guatemala

 Red States:


Further, her early June “Northern Triangle” trip was an utter disaster, especially after Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei did an interview during Harris’s trip to his country and point-blank blamed the Biden-Harris administration for the border surge.

Unfortunately for the Biden administration – Kamala Harris specifically – Giammattei is speaking out again on diplomatic relations between the two countries. And what he said just blew the White House’s “root causes” narrative right out of the water:

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, who has been reporting live from the border for months now, provided his own translation for what Giammattei said:

So not only has Harris not visited the Northern Triangle region since her June trip (something we already knew) but apparently, there have been no phone calls or virtual conferences between Harris and Giammattei, either, on the subject of the “root causes” of the border crisis and how to go about resolving them.

To reemphasize, this is the area that the White House has told us is central to resolving the problems at the border. And yet Biden’s own point person on this matter, his second in command, can’t even be bothered to follow up with leaders of those countries after her lone visit, which was months ago?


This is clearly a false narrative by the Biden administration which opened to borders and is now seeing people coming from over 100 counntries around the world to cross the border.  There may be more Russians than Gautamalens illegally immigrating to the US.  The Venezuelans and Cubans that are coming appear to be the only ones Biden wants to excude.  Their experience with socialism makes them an unlikely group to every vote for Democrats. 


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