People from all over the world taking advantage of Biden's open borders

 Washington Examiner:

Migration to the southern border of the United States from far-off countries spiked in 2021 as economic turmoil and the Biden administration’s eased immigration policies prompted droves from other continents to traverse to America.

The number of people encountered at the southern border from countries other than Mexico or the three top countries of origin in Central America was seven times greater over the past 12 months ending in September than the previous year, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. One-in-5 people, or 378,000 of the 1.7 million, who were encountered at the southern border in the government’s fiscal year 2021 were from nations other than those four.

The biggest change in 2021 was the rise in arrivals from South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. In 2000, 97% of the migrants Border Patrol encountered were Mexican citizens. By 2014, more people apprehended at the southern border were from the Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras — than were from Mexico, data show. In 2019, nearly two-thirds of people encountered at the border were from one of the three Northern Triangle nations.

In 2021, more than 4,100 Russians were encountered compared to fewer than 500 the previous year. Apprehensions have spiked further in October, with more than 1,500 Russian citizens apprehended.

More than 48,000 Venezuelans were intercepted at the border in 2021, up from fewer than 2,800 in 2020.

While the Border Patrol historically has encountered small numbers of people from more than 100 nations every year, the number from some of those countries are rising significantly, as are the numbers of countries. Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas, announced this week arrests of people from around the world, including Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Syria, and Lebanon.

There is much more.

It is not clear how the reinstitution of the remain in Mexico policy by the courts will impact the migration.  That would likely just apply to those claiming a threat from their current government.  It would not apply to the thousands of Got aways who are likely people with a criminal record which would trigger immediate deportation.  The Got Aways also include Mexican cartel members who are importing dangerous drugs into the US.  The Mexican Drug cartels have been enriched by the Biden open borders policy.


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