LA voters fed up with homeless situation.

 Hot Air:

This isn’t a surprise. In fact, this is pretty much unchanged from what voters said two years ago. Still, it’s worth noting that after 18 months of dealing with COVID, homelessness still ranks as the top problem according to LA County voters. What has changed, according to the same poll, is people’s patience with long term solutions to the problem:

One thing that stayed constant is that homelessness ranks as the top problem facing the region, with 94% of voters viewing homelessness as a serious or very serious problem…

Asked whether officials should focus on “short-term shelter sites” or “long-term housing for homeless people with services,” voters by 57%-30% opted for the short-term solutions. In a similarly worded question two years ago, opinions were nearly evenly divided.

A focus group was conducted along with the poll which gave respondents a chance to speak about their feelings on the issue. As in many other areas along the west coast, people don’t feel hostility toward the homeless but they do feel victimized by them to some degree....


The underlying problem is the high housing costs in California.  That comes from a restriction of the supply of homes along with regulations that drive up the cost.  The state does not seem willing to deal with these underlying government restrictions on housing.  The heart of the problem is that liberals have lost the ability to govern and like an addict they do not want to admit they have a problem.


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