Huge protests in Iran over water shortage

 Washington Free Beacon:

Amid a wave of protests in Iran over mass water shortages that has shaken the Iranian regime, an Iranian-American group is petitioning the Biden State Department for an immediate sit-down about ways to hold the regime accountable for its violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.

The National Union for Democracy in Iran (NUFDI), a nonpartisan organization of Iranian Americans that promotes human rights in Iran, says the latest mass protests—and the Iranian regime's violent crackdown—represent a watershed moment in the Iranian people's efforts to depose the hardline clerical regime. The government has already shot at protesters on the street and shut down the country's internet to stop the spread of information and prevent the rise of more protests.

NUFDI says it has tried on multiple occasions to meet with U.S.-Iran envoy Robert Malley but that those overtures have been rebuffed. The group warned the Biden administration in recent weeks that ongoing protests were likely to boil over and prompt a violent response from Iran's hardline government. The Biden administration "ignored those warnings," according to a letter sent on Monday by NUFDI to the State Department and White House and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

 The crowd in the photo is massive.  It appears Biden is unmoved by the plight of everyday Iranians.  He is determined to revive a terrible lead with the Mullahs.  When it comes to Iran there is no intelligent life on the Biden team.

See, also:

Iran’s Military Threatens to ‘Annihilate’ Israel as Biden Admin Restarts Nuclear Talks With Tehran 
Iran’s military spokesman Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi: “We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, even one millimeter.”


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