Harris staffers in disorganized retreat

 Washington Examiner:

A viral video intended to showcase Vice President Kamala Harris that instead made news for featuring paid child actors was produced by a company called Sinking Ship Entertainment. Now, Harris’s own ship appears to be taking on water, and her aides are headed to the lifeboats.

A top adviser and chief spokeswoman for Harris, Symone Sanders, is set to resign from her position by the end of the year, a White House official said Wednesday. It's one of several high-level departures in the vice president's office since she was sworn in earlier this year.

The staff turnover caps months of messaging missteps and struggles with the media, such as the child actors video story.

Peter Velz, the vice president’s director of press operations, is leaving the office in the coming weeks, along with Vincent Evans, deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, according to reports. Ashley Etienne, Harris’s communications director, is also stepping down . Advance staffers departed over the summer, soon after a trip to Guatemala where Harris drew criticism for a biting response to a question over when she intended to visit the southern U.S. border.

A source familiar with Harris’s office woes quipped that the defections must be “completely unrelated to reading stories where they are blamed for everything.”

“This is the same story that gets played out again and again — it’s always the vague ‘staffing,’” this person said. “I don’t think there are a ton of staff, present and former, that would rush to defend the way the office is run.”


She apparently does not manage people very well.  I suspect she is probably insulting and hostile.  She is also a sinking ship of state and those that can are headed for the lifeboats.


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