Flipping the switch on 'Biden time'

 Karen Townsend:

Awkward: Bidens late for Christmas tree lighting, audience ordered to repeat welcoming applause

... The host, rapper and actor LL Cool J, teed up the president and Jill with an introduction. His wording was odd but probably written by a White House staffer. LL Cool J asked the audience to welcome “our literal host, our actual host to this very American celebration – President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.” The audience applauded and then there was nothing. The walk-on music played. And played. Masked adults moved around in front of the staged outdoor setting. The ASL interpreter just stands on stage. Finally, LL Cool J addresses the audience and acknowledged the audience all stood and applauded patriotically, with respect for the office as you’re supposed to, and then said they’d do it again. He asked them to sit back down – “It’ll be fun!” – and then asked for “a lot of applause” as he re-introduced the Bidens. Yikes.

Toward the end of his remarks, Biden acknowledged his Catholic faith. Earlier in the day, he voiced his support of Roe v Wade. He compartmentalizes his religion apparently. Also earlier in the day, Biden called Dr. Fauci the president during a speech at NIH. Biden brings the cringe.

There is more.

It is just another day of the inept Biden administration and its inability to handle the simplest of Presidential duties. 


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