DOJ corruption

 Andrea Widburg:

The surest sign that you're living in a corrupt country is that people are not treated equally under the law.  Those who are politically disfavored are denied justice, while those whom the government favors walk away from their crimes.  America is now a corrupt country if the legal treatment accorded January 6 protesters is compared to those on the left.  This was made perfectly clear when comparing the sentence given to Jacob Chansley (the "QAnon Shaman"), who dared to walk through Congress, and Thomas Alexander Starks, who attacked a senator's office with an axe.

Jonathan Turley, the entirely honest law professor who has yet to realize that he's no longer a Democrat, wrote about their disparate treatment:

We have been discussing the continued incarceration of many individuals for their participation in the Jan. 6th riot.  Despite claims that the riot was an insurrection, the vast majority of defendants have been given relatively minor charges. Nevertheless, the Justice Department has insisted on holding many without bail and some have received longer sentences, like Jacob Chansley (aka "QAnon Shaman") who was given a 41-month sentence for "obstructing a federal proceeding."

Thomas "Tas" Alexander Starks, 31, of Lisbon, N.D., faced a strikingly different approach by the Justice Department. The self-avowed Antifa member took an axe to the office of Sen. John Hoeven[] in Fargo on Dec. 21, 2020. Federal sentencing guidelines suggested 10–16 months in prison but he was only sentenced to probation and fined $2,784 for restitution ... he then reportedly mocked the FBI for returning his axe. Others declared him a hero and Democratic politicians pitched in for his legal defense.


In addition to the vastly different sentences given to the two men, Chansley was made to grovel.  After ten months in prison (mostly in solitary) and in a manner consistent with the Maoist cultural revolution, the judge required that Chansley, who has struggled with mental illness, confess his sins and promise repentance.

By contrast, Starks walked away victorious from his encounter with the law:

Starks has made clear that he was neither apologetic nor deterred from the use of such violence. He has posted under the Facebook moniker, "Paul Dunyan," an apparent reference to his preferred use of an axe as a form of political expression.  He displays the Antifa symbol and, while awaiting sentencing, reportedly wrote: "I am ANTIFA. I will always attack fascists, racial superiority complexes built around nationalism that promotes genocide to fuel a war machine is the worst humanity has to offer."

Prof. Turley also points out that GoFundMe, which had shut down Kyle Rittenhouse's defense fund, happily hosted one for Starks.  Democrat politicians also spoke on his behalf.


 From the FBI's handling of the Russian colusion hoax to the handling of the Jan. 6 defenants, there is an obvious political bias when it comes to punishment of conservatives and radical leftist with a literal axe to grind.


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