Colorado city turns crime into a growth industry


In 2021, theft and larceny in Pueblo is up 11%. Auto theft has almost doubled in the city, going up 46%. However, thanks to a current policy in place, some thieves can avoid jail time.

In a crime report given to Pueblo City Council in November, Pueblo Police Chief Chris Noeller said, "the current policy of the Pueblo County Jail is to accept only those felony charges with the exception of DUI or domestic violence,"

He adds, "in the case of thefts, a person can steal up to $1,999.00 of merchandise from store or person and will not be taken to jail."

He said, "the reduction of felony charges to misdemeanor charges has a deleterious effect on the safety of the City of Pueblo and our ability to solve problems."

In the last week, residents have taken to social media to document acts of theft in Pueblo. Mykenna Kemling shared these pictures of Facebook of a white truck involved in a burglary.

"He stole $10,000 work of stuff from my boyfriend's business JD's Janitorial Service," Kemling said. She went on to say the suspect has yet to be caught.

Police told KRDO the truck is also suspected of robbing multiple businesses along Highway 50 in the last week.


There is more.

The liberals in colorado made the same mistake that California and New York have made in response to crime.   If you want to reduce crime you have to arrest and punish people for minor crimes.  It was Guiliani's "broken window" policy that made New York a safer city when he was mayor.  Punish people for minor crimes and you will have fewer major crimes.


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