CBO projects Biden spending spree could add 3 trillion to deficit

 National Review:

At the request of multiple Republican senators, the Democrats fighting to advance President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, the gargantuan reconciliation package that creates and expands a boatload of social programs, obtained a modified budgetary effects score from the Congressional Budget Office Friday.

The office’s most recent analysis finds that if major provisions in BBB were not embedded with sunset clauses and were made permanent, which Republicans argue is the Democrats’ hidden intention, the bill would add $2.8 trillion more to the national debt over the next decade than the original CBO score projected.

In response to the new score, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham slammed what he said were misleading tactics by the Democrats to attempt to mute the true budget burden of BBB. “They put a sunset on the program is to lower the cost. It’s a budget gimmick..it’s going to be a death blow to our economy,” he said.

During a briefing Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed the new score and Republican reactions to it.

“This is not a CBO score. This is a fake CBO score. It’s not about the existing bill anybody is debating or voting on. This is about proposing the extension of programs that has not been agreed to without the commitment of the president…,” she said.

What is the point of having the programs in there if there is no plan to fund them in the out years?  Graham is right.  What is being exposed by this CBO projection is the Democrats' politics of fraud.  It is the equivalent of having an unscheduled payment at the end of a mortgage or car payment.  It is one that they know would be rejected if the Democrats were being honest.  The Biden claim that it would cost "zero dollars" was another lie.


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