California attacking ships as well as trucks

 Andrea Widburg:

One of my correspondents is an incredibly acute observer of the Democrats' non-stop assaults on the State of California, especially in the transportation industry.  He recently sent me an email about the fact that California didn't stop with its attack on trucking.  Instead, California Democrats are also going after the shipping industry.  He gave me permission to reproduce his email here:

Did you know that, in addition, to all the other wanton destruction in this state, such as the electric car mandate (for which no infrastructure is yet being built), Democrats have similarly deliberately destructive plans for shipping?  In 2027, they're going to require all ships in California ports to turn off their onboard generators and run only onshore power.

This is a big deal, costing tens of millions per dock, and, of course, it's going to require foreign-owned ships to spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions, per ship to make the conversions necessary to comport with the new law.


There is much more.

I suspect ship owners will find it cost-effective to avoid California ports and move their ships to ports on the Gulf coast like those in Texas and Florida and states in between.  As long as liberal Democrats control the government in California it will be hard to do business in that state.  BTW, the state is already having trouble providing energy to their traditional customers because of their insistence on Big Green.


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