Border sheriffs seeing crime spike from influx of illegals

 Washington Examiner:

A Texas border sheriff who had resisted working with the state to refer illegal immigrants on state trespassing charges said rising crime in his community has forced him to take action and partner with Austin.

Despite neighboring counties signing agreements to work with the state earlier this year, Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber had held out on partnering with the governor’s office to refer noncitizens on state charges.

“The state’s been after me for a few months,” said Schmerber. "I hesitated for about two months. What kind of pushed me to really was because there were more things that were happening. I didn't see migrants coming in and just moving on. I saw immigrants get into houses, breaking in, damaging, taking things. I started getting calls from ranchers about all the damage they were doing — calls from neighborhoods close to the city about breaking in, taking things.”

In one recent incident, he said, a Honduran man broke into the home of a 73-year-old woman and sexually assaulted her. Schmerber was unable to provide recent crime statistics.

Schmerber's agreement with the state allows him to turn over those who trespass after they have entered the United States from Mexico.

“If somebody goes onto a ranch and they jump the fence, that's going to be a state charge now because of trespassing,” Schmerber said. “If they go into a house, they’re going to have another charge for breaking into private property.”

Traffickers, drug smugglers, or illegal immigrants who are caught trespassing on private property will now be prosecuted by the county attorney on the state charge of criminal trespassing, a misdemeanor charge. County and state officials cannot charge someone on federal immigration charges, though drug and human smugglers could face additional charges.


The trafficking charges should be a felony.  The counties should consider suing the Biden administration for dereliction of duty causing harm to their citizens. 

See, also:

EXCLUSIVE: Feds Seize Record Amount of Meth at Southwest Border in November


EXCLUSIVE: Most Southwest Border Patrol Sector Migrant Detention Counts Exceed COVID Capacities


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