Biden's spending spree legislation unpopular

 Jazz Shaw:

The latest numbers are out from Scott Rasmussen this week and they contain some slightly better news for President Joe Biden in one area and a landslide of bad news in the rest. First, let’s start with the “good news.” The President’s approval rating crept back up to 43%. He’s still significantly underwater, with a majority (52%) disapproving, but that’s still a minor improvement from the 40% approval rate he rang up earlier this month. One thing that hasn’t changed is that the 21% who “strongly approve” are dwarfed by the 39% who “strongly disapprove.”

The Build Back Better Act fares far worse than the president’s personal approval numbers. As Rasmussen notes, this is largely driven by the fact that most Americans have largely “tuned out” of the debate over the bill. And of the few who are paying attention, most think it will make things worse rather than better.

“Extraordinarily unpopular” isn’t an overstatement. When informed that the BBB authorizes various payments to illegal aliens, 60% disapproved while only 28% approved. As far as the bill’s provision to give the IRS more access to personal financial information and bank transactions, a whopping 73% are opposed. A rather obscure facet providing a tax credit of up to $50K to print journalists wasn’t popular either, with only 19% approving of it. (That likely says a lot more about the MSM than it does the Biden administration.)

Guaranteed basic income, no matter what label you put on it, is also a non-starter. If a person is physically capable of working, 78% believe that they should have to actively look for a job before receiving cash payments from the government. A slim majority (53%) want to keep Medicare the same as it is now, while just 34% want to see it expanded.

Americans should be prepared to vote against all who support this monstrosity. 


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