Biden's Russia-Ukraine bluff

 Fox News:

Biden voices 'deep concerns' with Putin on Russian aggression against Ukraine
Biden 'made clear that the U.S. and our Allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation,' WH says
The fact is that Biden's energy policy has strengthened Russia driving up the price of oil and approving a Russian pipeline to get gas to Germany.  See, also:
Biden favors Putin’s Russia, OPEC over US energy producers 
Oil has gained over 43% YTD despite falling into bear market

Putin has gradually been exercising his dominance, with the help of the United States, over the global petroleum market and possibly empowering the Russian leader to invade Ukraine.

Last week, the Biden administration sent diplomats to the OPEC Plus countries to try to smooth over relations with the cartel after Biden blamed it for inflation and rising energy costs. The cartel rightly fired back and suggested that America could increase production on our own shores if it wanted to.
The strategic blunder, considered a short-term panacea, created a situation where OPEC Plus and Russia was tempted to respond with a production cut war with the United States. It was a war that we would lose because there is not enough oil in our strategic petroleum reserve to compete with OPEC if it decided to take millions of barrels of production off the market.

The cartel is obviously smarter than Biden but that is a low bar.  Texas stands ready to increase production as to other states where Biden is actually blocking production.  He has been deliberately driving up the price in hopes that it would make it easier for him and the Democrats to sell their crappy Green New Deal.


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