Biden made promises he could not keep

 Washington Examiner:

I will end this,” then-candidate Joe Biden promised during his second presidential debate with President Donald Trump. “220,000 Americans dead — anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”

Biden's presidency has now run as long as Trump had to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. And Biden has not ended it. Far from it — more than 365,000 people have died from the coronavirus under Biden, and it is only a matter of time before Biden’s death count surpasses Trump.


It is true that Biden laid the foundation of vaccine hesitancy when he questioned whether a virus developed by the Trump administration could be trusted. And he again undermined vaccination efforts when his administration foolishly halted the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

As bad as both of these actions were, neither of them is to blame for COVID deaths. The reality is that there is an upper limit as to what governments can do to stop the spread of COVID.


I think both Biden and his advisors knew what he was saying was not true.  They just said it to try to win an election.  This is just one more example of the politics of fraud by Biden and the Democrats.  A catalog of Biden lies would be exhasting.


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