Another bad week for Biden

 Paul Bedard:

This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden looking for anything to grab to pull his way out of a string of bad weeks.

He and his chief of staff seized on low unemployment and statistical evidence that the economy is recovering at a swift pace.

But, as our graders noted, few are buying it. Inflation at a near 40-year high, a weak response to China’s human rights record, and an inability to do much against Moscow in the face of the Kremlin’s threatened invasion of Ukraine have all undermined Biden’s muted campaign to promote his agenda. And then, there are the court and Senate cancellations of his coronavirus vaccine mandates.

Conservative analyst Jed Babbin graded a D-, noting that even former President Jimmy Carter was tougher when it came to Olympic boycotts than Biden’s decision to block diplomats from attending the Beijing games.

Democratic pollster John Zogby, grading a C, highlighted the problems leading to Biden’s muddling polls.


There was a weak attempt by someone at the Washington Post to make the bogus claim that the media was tougher on Biden and they were on Trump.  You would think a paper that pushed the Russian collusion hoax to the point of getting a Pulitizer prize would be more self-conscience than to make such a ridiculous argument. 

Biden appears to be weak on all the important issues and impotent on the ones he pushes.

See, also:

From inflation to crime, reality painfully crashes the illusions of Biden Democrats 
Americans can now see with their own eyes what progressive have tried to deny, and the consequences are showing up in polling.


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