9,000 Marines at risk from Biden's vaccine mandate


Nearly 9,000 U.S. marines haven’t been vaccinated — with most not filing for an exemption — despite a Nov. 28 mandatory deadline, meaning they could get booted from service, Military.com reports.

As of Monday, the Marine Corps reported 5% of the force hadn’t had even one COVID-19 shot, meaning around 9,000 Marines are completely unvaccinated.

About 1,300 have temporary exemptions from receiving the vaccine, or pending religious exemption requests. Those who are only partially vaccinated could also be at risk, Military.com reports.

Capt. Andrew Wood, a Marine Corps spokesman, told the news outlet that medical tracking software shows the Marines have about 9,500 service members who aren’t fully vaccinated, a figure that would include those with exemptions and those only partially vaccinated.

I am not sure how they are handling the vaccination process these days.  When I was going through OCS and getting ready to go to Vietnam, we were ordered into lines for shots and vaccinations. The Marines are made up of healthy young people for the most part.  I have seen no reports of a serious outbreak of Covid in the ranks.


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